Monday, October 09, 2006

And the Zap/Iz roll, which has appeared on this blog previously

My babies

Izzy learned to play with Zap before he could crawl

I found more! Zap and Iz together

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Zap Mama (April 30, 2000 - August 26, 2006)


grumpy cat

beautiful girl

tolerating my hugs

the joys of the holidays

Zap and Em unmoved by Isaac's antics

Isaac and his girls

Hmm. Someone's been sleeping on my changing table.

Two cats, a baby, and Elmo

Checking on her baby

Boxes, they're not just for shipping anymore

And then she had to share us - the addition of Emily, the indignity

One of my favorite shots of Zappy

After we first brought home the cat that "would never bond with a human"

Saturday, October 07, 2006

She knows where my heart lies: Zap and the bookcase.

Tiny little Zap when she came to us as "Mama Cat" with 4 little ones

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