Tuesday, September 20, 2005

I’m fine, thanks. How are you?

Have you ever noticed that everyone always registers their kids and themselves as "fine" no matter what trauma or misguided science ruled their childhoods? For example, "I let all my kids cry themselves to sleep for hours at a time and they turned out fine." Or, "I fed you whole milk and sugar in a bottle from the time you were three days old and look, you’re fine." Or, "I’m sure I got dropped, but I turned out just fine."

Okay, we are not all "fine". Someone is lying. If we were all "fine" this world wouldn’t be quite so fucked up. Somewhere along the line some of that crap made a difference and it wasn’t for the better. Of course, if you want to keep fooling yourself, that's fine with me.


Anonymous said...

Hi Kitty, Just wanted to say that I really love reading your blog. I especially love the writing you've been doing lately about the work of motherhood. And the boredom. And the loss of creativity, spontenaity, and even the option of giving the fuck up...and, in the midst of all this angst, the undying devotion to your child. Now that my son is two and a half, there are moments when I forget the drudgery of the early days, the babyproofing and the sleeping husband and the endless spoonfuls of banana. Sure, there is different drudgery now but at least my son can entertain me with rudimentary conversation on occassion. And believe me, it can be quite funny. I shunned mommy groups and scrapbooking and all those annoying outlets too and yes, found myself bored and lonely. But lonely and bored was the better alternative in my opinion. But through it all, the boy would consistently save me with a jolt of happiness, joy so strong it hurt, and I'd feel better again. On the darkest days, when there is no joy breaking through - when he is a snivelly rotten toddler - I read blogs like yours and cheer myself up! Thanks for writing.

Monterey John said...

Kitty, "fine" is in fact an acronym: Fuckedup - Insincere - Neurotic - Evasive. Given that, I'm fine too. Are you fine? All God's children are fine.

Hang in there kiddo and have a fine day ;)

Kitty said...

hi brooke - it's funny you wrote i was just reading your blog. cheers you up?! hee hee. get out! thanks for reading isaac says i should stop typing ouch now

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