Tuesday, November 11, 2008

making pudding

“I bet a BABY can't even DO this,” my three-and-a-half-year-old says about everything he does these days.

At birth, I stared into his blue eyes, wise and startled, and didn't know who this creature was who came from me. Now, I stare equally perplexed at who he's grown into, seated between my husband and I at the breakfast table like a hungry stranger we took in off the street.

The old games no longer work for getting him to brush his teeth, for getting his shoes on. And too often he wriggles out of my hugs – busy.

Making pudding with his dad he's eager to share the result, and I am called into the kitchen to taste. I watch as he spoons a bit of chocolate from the pot and carefully wipes off the drippy bottom on the side, holds it out to me. His own mouth, ringed in brown, opens in a mimic of mine, his phantom bite, his nurturing way, helping me to swallow it all.


Dianne said...

oh my those eyes!

I loved when my son became 'a big boy' - we would have these wonderful talks - he loved to think about and discuss EVERYTHING ;)

but I never wanted the too big boy days to come

I'll never forget the first time he pushed away from me because he saw his friends and didn't want to be seen with his Mom

that stung

Kitty said...

Yes, not looking forward to that last experience...

Hey, how do I get a groovy picture to follow me and my comments?

Dianne said...

I suck!!

I didn't see your question about the pic in comments. I think it is in your settings - wait right there, I'm going to check

OK I'm back

I think if you check 'show profile pic' in the comments set-up section of your blog dashboard it'll work

of course blogger help is an oxymoron

I tried to be your follower but the thingie isn't there

Kitty said...

Dianne -- Thanks! You don't suck - why the heck should you check my blog comments for questions? I don't even check my blog. I'm off to the NW for a few days and so when I return I will try to upgrade/update my neglected blog.

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