“Do you wanna see my M I made now that I'm 4 that's even gooder than the Ms I usually made when I was 3 and 11 months?”
a shot in the dark at motherhood.
“Do you wanna see my M I made now that I'm 4 that's even gooder than the Ms I usually made when I was 3 and 11 months?”
You Are Here: Writing About Place
free exploration evening September 8;
series runs 6-8pm Saturdays September 15, 22, & 29
the art bar café
at The Massage School,
1 Northampton St. (on the circle), Easthampton, MA
The Truth Set Free:
A Storytelling Workshop
6:00 - 7:45 Tuesdays,
October 2,9,16,& 23
Lilly Library, Florence, MA
I'll bet it was a great M!
the M's I make now that I'm 53 and can't find my glasses and usually have a headache are not anywhere near as good as the M's I made when I was 4
I adore everything Isaac says
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