Monday, August 23, 2010

Save the Words!

You must go to the coolest site I have seen in a long time.

I am the proud new mama to the word "starrify." "I hereby promise to use this word in conversation and correspondence as frequently as possible, to the very best of my ability."

For the sake of our youth, the future leaders of our planet, you must make it a habit to gravitate toward any education professionals willing to use their little gold stickers to starrify rather than reward. (consider it an entry under "school search part 5.")

With many thanks to my pal Eve for this one.


Daryl said...

LOVE this .. I adopted Phasianic .. The former VP (remember Cheney?) shot a phasianic statue (that was no statue) mistaking it for an actual bird ...

Anonymous said...


This site will make me so happy for many moons to come. Thank you Kitty!

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