Friday, March 16, 2012


So, silence lately, yes. Difficult to find a moment. Please note, however, especially west coast peeps, that there is a new poetry event listed on the sidebar. We will be in California in April (SO EXCITED!!!!!) and I will be doing a reading at the Carl Cherry Center for the Arts.

Today I am thinking of my mama. Her 80th birthday would have been today. I miss her more all the time. I found this poem on my Writer's Almanac this morning.

Meanwhile, her grandbabies grow and grow.


jaykaym said...

Glad to hear from you!

Unknown said...

I especially love the last photo. :-) What a sweet mama-baby pair!

Great poem to think when remembering Bobbie. I think of her often.

Daryl said...

She would be so proud .. of you and them ..

Heather R said...

Been thinking about you all.
Heather R.

Susannah said...

I love the photos and the poem. Looking forward to your visit.

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