Tuesday, April 05, 2005

"now we are six" (weeks), or, how to exploit your child

My child is a prodigy. He is six weeks old and already learning to count. Why else would Isaac have had me up at 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 last night? Between this development and the Isaac bobble head dolls I’m planning on marketing, he’s going to be big, I tell you, big, big! (Sleep and neck muscles are overrated.)


Anonymous said...

Wow - I read your blog and then saw this on BBC Americas: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/4410311.stm

Kitty said...

some of those stats on kids dying before 5 years are way frightening. i haven't watched a good dose of news since Isaac was born. the hormones won't support all the ick. major overwhelm.

Anonymous said...

holy crap - i guess i didn't read that far into the articles. I was just reading the stuff about what their dday to day lives ar elike. I missed the morbid stuff. Sorry about that...

Kitty said...

no, don't worry. the newsy news is the big culprit. in terms of the stats, it's just interesting how differently (clearly?) i hear them now that i have this little person myself.

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