Monday, December 20, 2010

I'd like to be a frog

It's almost Christmas. A holy season
some say. The evidence, I suppose,
is around us indeed: Gloved hands clasped
at the steering wheel, "Please, turn over."
The cat worshipping at the altar of the heater.

For my part, I am applying make-up - going for
the sun-kissed look, but an easy slip
ends me looking more bruised than anything,
a truer vision for sure.

Somewhere deep, deep in the muddy earth
there are frogs asleep, dreaming of sun,
creatures that have no use for Nutcracker
tickets, or a spot with a good view
of the lighted boat parade. They wait
for better times, do not, like the humans
tromping above over the slick skin of their heads
have to move through the cold to catch
a ray of hope on the other side.


Rambling Woods said...

It's funny but I was thinking of how much I miss the frogs in the winter and thought of them sleeping the winter away...Michelle

Dianne said...

It's funny that I was thinking of how wounded I look the more make-up I apply

you, me, Michelle - a thread of garland connecting us

love ya kiddo

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