Sunday, March 06, 2005


Doh! Thanks, Barb. My apologies for mis-posting the Witches' line from Macbeth - Of course it should be Double, double, toil and trouble... Shame on me. Happening already, is it? I'm slipping away from all I formerly knew...

While we're taking care of business, I just wanted to also mention thanks! to all who posted comments about the Little One. Cute these creatures, no? Trouble. Hey Tracy, I had a dream that I met you!

Mothering a newborn is as difficult as I’d imagined it to be. And actually, I underestimated what it would take for my own physical recovery. It’s a major double whammy. Makes me think of a comedian’s routine I heard once (I think it was Lewis Black) "Starbuck’s coffee’s expensive, but at least the lines are long."

Ah, what's that? The sweet sound of my infant? Must go.


Anonymous said...

Well pack up the family and make a trip to Austin, and the Starbucks is on me!

And to think if you were recovering from a c-section!*

* note, the commenter has no personal experience with childbirth and all of her ramblings must be taken with a large grain of salt...

Mo said...

I am so happy to see you're back on and writing. I can't wait to read more about your adventures in motherhood.

He's absolutely perfect. Breath taking. I'm almost jealous. :o)

Kitty said...

hee hee hee. have you ever seen the Seinfeld with the "breathtaking" baby?

Yes, C-section must suck big time. And crazy long labors of any kind. if I knew how I managed such a quick one, I'd market it. I had made a deal with the baby beforehand though, I just wasn't sure he'd listened.

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